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Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Modeling

The results of the experimental model confirms the assumptions. In Figure 1, it shows when the smaller particles ranging from 1 to 3μm were inhaled, they reached into the smaller bronchioles of the lungs with small portions landed in the bronchi and trachea. The larger microspheres that were larger than 10μm, on the other hand, failed to reach the bronchioles and were deposited in the trachea and the bronchi. This resulted in a range of 1 to 10μm for the microparticle that would make them capable of being deposited into the bronchiole region of the lung. 











Figure 1: CFD model of adult male lung pathway

However, literature was used to discover that three major forms of deposition into the lining of the lungs. The three kinds of deposition are i​mpaction, sedimentation, and diffusion. Impact occurs when the high centrifugal force causes the particles to ram into the upper respiratory passages at high velocity, in terms of pMDI and DPI this mechanism is usually observed in particles with a size greater than 5μm. Diffusion occurs when the particle size is so small that it reaches the alveoli and alveolar fluid dissolves the particle. The ideal mechanism for our product is sedimentation which occurs for particles between 1μm and 5μm which are deposited in the smaller airways and bronchioles and are deposited slowly and take an extended period of time to line the lungs. Therefore the idea diameter for our particle ranges from 3μm-5μm since we want it to line the minor airways like the bronchioles.

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